Retirement Age
An age retirement would be awarded to a firefighter who has sufficient service to qualify for a pension and who retires at or after age 60.
However, the Fire & Rescue Service (FRS) have the discretion to initiate your retirement in the interests of the management of the service, in which case a pension would become payable to a firefighter who has sufficient service to qualify for a pension, who has reached age 55 but not age 60. There would be NO reduction of the pension to take account of the fact that it is being paid early.
A member may initiate the immediate payment of their benefits, provided they have sufficient service to qualify for a pension and have reached age 55, but not age 60. However, a reduction would be applied to reflect the fact that the pension is being paid early. The reduction factor is supplied by the Government Actuary. It is currently 5% for each year between the date of retirement and age 65 (deferred pension age).