At a Glance
Key features of the 2006 Scheme include:
- A Final Salary scheme, which means that your pension is calculated as a proportion of your ‘final pensionable pay’ i.e. the earnings in your last year of service as a member of the Scheme.
- The pension that you will receive depends on your pensionable service, which for most Officers will be the length of service in the Police Force for which you have paid pension contributions, with appropriate adjustments for part-time service.
- The earliest date that a pension can be paid is 55 and 35 years’ service is needed for a maximum pension.
- Each year of pensionable service gives entitlement to a pension of 1/70th of final pay, up to a limit of 35/70ths.
- An automatic tax-free lump sum of 4 times the annual pension is also payable, but it is possible to exchange all or part of the lump sum for more annual pension.
- Pensions in payment are increased for inflation.
- A lump sum death grant of 3 times’ pay is payable and you have some freedom to nominate who should receive it.
- A pension for a spouse or civil partner is payable for life, normally half of the Officer’s pension entitlement.
- A partner who is neither a spouse nor a civil partner may be eligible for a pension payable for life, subject to certain criteria being met.
- Dependent children under the age of 23 may qualify for a pension.
An immediate pension and lump sum is payable to any Officer at any age who is granted ill-health retirement. - There is a facility to buy more pension in the scheme (added years) within the overall limit of 35 years.
- Every officer has an opportunity to opt out of the scheme.
- If you build up pension rights in the scheme but leave the Police Force (or opt out of the Scheme) before retirement, you will be eligible for a ‘deferred pension’ payable at age 65 unreduced.