If you left the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) on or after 1 April 2014 and you started in the scheme on or before 31 March 2014, your membership up until 31 March 2014 will have been calculated with reference to your whole-time equivalent pensionable pay at your date of opting out or date of leaving.
Your Scheme Membership
Your membership up until 31 March 2014 will have been measured in years and days and includes any membership awarded for the transfer of previous pension rights into the scheme.
If you worked part time during these periods, your membership will have been proportioned in accordance with the part time hours.
Your Final Pay
This is the amount of pensionable pay that you have received during your final year of employment i.e. 365 days back from your date of leaving. However, there is scope for it to be based on one of the previous two years, if higher.
If you work part time, your final pay will be calculated as a whole-time equivalent.
Note that 'non-contractual' overtime will NOT be included in the calculation of your final pay.
Calculating your Deferred Benefits
For membership up to 31 March 2008, benefits will be calculated at an 80th, with an automatic lump sum entitlement, equal to three times your annual pension:
Membership ÷ 80 x Final Pay = Annual Pension
For membership from 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2014, the rate is set as a 60th, but with NO right to an automatic lump sum.
Membership ÷ 60 x Final Pay = Annual Pension
The combined total of your 80th and 60th pension will equal your total Deferred LGPS Annual pension, plus you will have the automatic lump sum element in respect of your membership before 31 March 2008.
However, you will also have the option when you retire, to give up some of your pension to increase your automatic lump sum or to gain some tax free cash if you started in the scheme on or after 1 April 2008. To find out more, see the Exchanging your Pension section.