When you retire, you will receive a pension and a tax-free lump sum from the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS). At State Retirement Age you will also receive the basic flat rate State Retirement Pension if you have paid sufficient National Insurance contributions during your working life.
How much will my pension be?
Your pension is based on your total membership and your Career Average Pay. The example below shows how your pension is calculated by dividing your career average pay into 80ths and multiplying this figure by your total membership to give you your annual pension.
How will my Career Average Pay be calculated?
Your pension benefits are calculated by reference to a revalued average of your pensionable earnings assessed over your whole period of membership in the LGPS. The earnings are increased (other than the pay in the final year commencing 1 April) by the rise in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The total of your revalued pay is then divided by your period of membership to calculate your career average pay.
An elected member has been a member of the LGPS for 5 years. His / her Career Average Pay is calculated as follows:
Year 1: Earnings £10,000 x CPI = £10,250
Year 2: Earnings £10,500 x CPI = £10,750
Year 3: Earnings £11,000 x CPI = £11,250
Year 4: Earnings £11,500 x CPI = £11,750
Year 5: Earnings £12,000 x CPI = £12,250
Total £56,250
£56,250 / 5 years = £11,250
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) shows the changes in the cost of living. It reflects the movement of prices covering a range of goods and services over time. The amount by which pensions are increased annually is based on the movement in the Consumer Price Index.
How much will my lump sum be?
The lump sum automatically paid on retirement is 3 times your annual pension and is tax-free. Like your pension, it is based on your Career Average Pay and your total membership. The calculation for the lump sum is 3/80ths of your Career Average Pay for every year of total membership.