Fire Pension Scheme


As a member of the FPS 1992, your contribution is based upon a banding arrangement.

The pensionable pay upon which contributions are assessed is the amount determined in relation to the duties of the role. If you are part time, contributions will be deducted on your part time pay.

The arrangement from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 is as follows:

Your Pensionable Pay Band Your Contribution Rate
Up to and including £15,609 11.00%
More than £15,609 and up to and including £21,852 12.20%
More than £21,852 and up to and including £31,218 14.20%
More than £31,218 and up to and including £41,624 14.70%
More than £41,624 and up to and including £52,030 15.20%
More than £52,030 and up to and including £62,436 15.50%
More than £62,436 and up to and including £104,060 16.00%
More than £104,060 and up to and including £124,872 16.50%
More than £124,872 17.00%